I think everyone needs to see the video from Russia Today, interviewing Shelly Roche from bytestyle.tv. (Along with the original video report), along with the interview on Fox News, with Judge Andrew Napolitano:
From Canada on this new, leaked ACTA information (Michael Geist):
Existing intellectual property protection - WIPO and the DMCA and for when people violate existing, implemented copyright protections. Now, they want ISPs to be intellectual property cops, which is a huge infrastructural and technological woe. Where the agency is smaller, and fits in the 'safe harbor' clause, they will come after you directly, and ban you from the internet for 3 strikes on intellectual property protection violations, whether proven or not. This is government oversight on all internet traffic, and I find the technology very costly and circumvent to the real task at hand.
There are existing technologies, such as eCX and eCP from IBM's Tivoli and from the University of Hong Kong. These are schemes for protecting intellectual property distributed to client machines, not what this crazy government has in mind. Look at the protections currently implemented by google and YouTube, and the current ability of providers to require secured access to specific content, and liking it, at the present time.
I also have needs for intellectual property protection, in the design of a file system for an internet-based org-type which provides dynamic protection for files distributed to client machines, and at various security levels (SiteFS for the CNA). The only difference with what this design includes over the above mentioned is a dynamic aspect that enhances its security.
Platform vendors can participate in 'footprint protocol', where a trusted viewer security authority (file system vendor) can download a program dynamically at the time that a client wishes to decrypt a protected file (for viewing). The dynamic program can inspect the client's footprint, for the file system itself, and the platform vendor can join the protocol 'ring'. This is far superior to the government alternatives, and provides intellectual property protection for everyone.
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